Liquid-O-Ring 765“GREASE SEAL”Specialized Wireline Lubricant & Sealant
Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” is a series of specialized wireline lubricants and sealants. These products are
manufactured polymer sealants that maintains a 16-20 viscosity at the recommended temperature range. Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” provides the necessary corrosion inhibitors to effect long range protection to the wireline. Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” is inhibited against the corrosive effects of acids, caustics, salt water,
and H2S.If the operator knows the approximate temperatures in which his unit will be operating, a specific Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” may be ordered which will sustain its viscosity at the operational temperatures. The Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” series of products allow the operator to be more selective in choosing a product to meet his operating conditions.
Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease Seal” is applied to grease injection control heads and cable lubricators. Liquid-O-Ring 765 “Grease
Seal” is manufactured for use in arctic conditions. Inhibitors and additives used are designed to
be compatible with products used under arctic conditions.
▪ Maintains viscosity at temperature range
▪ Corrosion inhibitors for long range protection
▪ Protects corrosive effects of acids, caustics, salt water, and H2S
765A 765D 765F 765G
Viscosity, Kinematic @ 40°C, cSt: 45–55 175–185 450–550 1720–2120
Viscosity Index: 35 115 150 254
Color: Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
Texture: Tacky Liquid Tacky Liquid Tacky Liquid Tacky Liquid
Odor: Mild Mild Mild Mild
API Gravity, @ 60°F (15°C): 32 32 32 32
Density Range, lb/gal @ 77°F (25°C): 7.00–7.50 7.00–7.50 7.00–7.50 7.00–7.50
Specific Gravity Range, @ 77°F (25°C): 0.839–0.899 0.839–0.899 0.839–0.899 0.839–0.899
Flash Point, ASTM D-92: 390°F (198°C) 390°F (198°C) 390°F (198°C) 390°F (198°C)
Pour Point, ASTM D-97: -65°F (-54°C) -15°F (-26°C) -5°F (-21°C) 5°F (-15°C)
Rust Preventive Test,ASTM D-3603 @ 140°F (60°C): Pass Pass Pass Pass
Temperature Range: -35°F to -10°F -20°F to 0°F 5°F to 25°F 45°F to 80°F (-37°C to -23°C) (-29°C to -18°C) (-15°C to -4°C) (7°C to 27°C)
Shelf Life (unopened container): Three years Three years Three years Three years
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