Liquid-O-Ring 306 OCR MODIFIED Lead-Free Thread Compound
Liquid-O-Ring 306 OCR Modified is a superior thread compound for casing, tubing, and line pipe that meets the performance requirements of API RP 5A3/ISO 13678.Liquid-O-Ring 306 OCR Modified was researched and field-tested long before others were on the drawing board. Having the same appearance, consistency and sealing properties of API thread compounds, Liquid-O-Ring 306 OCR Modified is used with excellent results during hydrostatic testing, and in downhole service. It contains corrosion and H2S inhibitors to eliminate thread corrosion and pitting. The component materials used in the manufacture of Liquid-O-Ring 306 OCR Modified meet or exceed performance objectives stated for API thread compounds.
▪ Conforms to API RP 5A3/ISO 13678
▪ Lead-free
▪ Contains corrosion inhibitors
▪ Contains H2S inhibitors
▪ Eliminates thread corrosion and pitting
▪ Prevents galling in thread connections
during make-up
▪ Water resistant
▪ Readily brushable
Texture:Smooth Paste
Specific Gravity, at 77°F (25°C):1.372 – 1.431
Corrosion Preventive Properties,ASTM D-1743 at 125°F (51°C):Pass
Flash Point, ASTM D-92:>400°F (>204°C)
Temperature Range:0°F to >350°F(-17°C to >176°C)
Shelf Life (unopened container):Four years
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