Liquid-O-Ring 125 KUREX Self-Healing Pipe Storage Compound with enhanced corrosion inhibitors

Liquid-O-Ring 125 KUREX Self-Healing Pipe Storage Compound with enhanced corrosion inhibitors

If “self-healing” is in your specifications for pipe storage compounds, Liquid-O-Ring has the answer
to your problems.Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex Storage Compound complements the well-proven Liquid-O-Ring line to fill the need. Minor defects (nicks, bumps, and scratches) caused by external sources heal themselves. The self-leveling property of Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex recovers blemishes, while its balanced system has just the right thixotropy or gel strength to remain in place on the pipe.Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex is engineered to provide corrosion protection to pipe threads during periods of extended storage. Designed to control the formation of rust and pitting on threaded surfaces,Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex contains inhibitors to minimize the corrosive effects of salt water, downhole treating chemicals, and contaminants. Proven effective through extensive research and field testing,Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex offers results that far exceed those attainable by using common API thread compounds.Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex Self-Healing Pipe Storage Compound forms a film that protects metal surfaces, inhibits oxidation, and seals out moisture. It resists attack from ultraviolet degradation, rust, and galvanic corrosion. A highly specialized item in our Pipe Storage Compound arsenal,Liquid-O-Ring 125 Kurex is designed to meet specific needs while living up to the reputation that has made the name Liquid O-Ring synonymous with “ultimate protection” for oil country tubular goods in storage. It is not to be used to run pipe down hole or in any other application where sealing is desired.
▪ Environmentally safe
▪ Self-healing
▪ Thixotropic (gel strength)
▪ Low density
▪ Displaces moisture
▪ Contains extra corrosion inhibitors
▪ Thermally stable
Specific Gravity @ 60°F (15°C):0.898-0.958
Density, lb/gal @ 77°F (25°C):7.50-8.0
Flash Point, ASTM D-92:445°F (229°C)
Fire Point, ASTM D-92:500°F 260°C)
Service Temperature:10°F to 290°F (-12°C to 143°C)
% Non-volatile:100
Viscosity, Brookfield #4 @ 30 rpm @ 77°F (25°C), cps:25,000-27,000
Solubility in water:Insoluble
5% Salt Spray Test,ASTM B-117, 2000 hrs:Pass
Rust Test, ASTM D-1743:Pass
Water Displacement Good
Low Temperature Adhesion Good
Properties Brushable, Sprayable
No Drip
Heat Storage Stability, @ 120°F (48°C)after 1000 hours:No change in color
Shelf Life (unopened container):Two years

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