The incorporation of automation and artificial intelligence in hydraulic fracturing operations has been a key focus area for Halliburton in recent years. At the 2023 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, on 31 January, the company highlighted a recent entry into its product line, the SmartFleet operating system. It integrates automation and visualization of subsurface data among multiple wells simultaneously to optimize frac placement. Speaking to DC from the conference, William Rhule, Strategic Business Manager at Halliburton, explains how SmartFleet can be combined with another technology, the ExpressFiber disposable fiber cable, to provide valuable real-time insights into frac operations.
Mr Rhule also talks about electric fracturing (e-frac), explaining what Halliburton believes is driving e-frac’s popularity and how automation is improving its efficiency. The company showcased its Zeus electric pumping unit at the conference.(2023-02-21)